UAB Barker Textiles is implementing the project „UAB Barker Textiles investment in products of KKI sector“, partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund as the European Union response to COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of the project: creation of new, high value, competitive cultural and creative content and form products by investing into competitive digital and circular economy promoting cultural and creative content and form products and operational processes.
During the project company will invest into technologies and its implementation to ensure the digitalization and principles of circular economy as well as high value products creation of CCI sector. This investment will ensure the efficiency of technological processes of the company and give an opportunity to offer their clients the products based on principles of circular economy. This investment will enable UAB “Barker Textiles” to become a competitive and innovative company in the market. On these terms income of the company will increase and common macroeconimic issues (inflation, labor shortage, lack of raw materials, etc.) and COVID-19 instability and uncertainty is expected to be overcome.
Project budget: 249 930,49 Eur
Project financing: 124 965,24 Eur
Start of the project: January 3rd, 2022
Completion of the project: May 31st, 2023.